By 1687, there had been a great
number of works done on the
motion of the planets, but no mathematical explanation was derived for
work. Following his first Law of
Motion, Newton was able to derive that same year mathematical
calculations that
will govern the physics of Universal Gravitation up to date. He reasoned that there had to be a force
acting on the moon in other for it to orbit the earth, otherwise the
moon would
travel in a straight line. Newton reasoned
that the force that attracted the apple to fall on his head was the
same force
that attracts the moon to orbit around earth.
Thus he said: “I deduced that the forces which keep the planets
in their
orbs must be reciprocally as the squares of their distances from the
about which they revolve; and thereby compared the force requisite to
keep the
Moon in her orbit with the force of gravity at the surface of the
Earth; and
found them answer pretty nearly.” (Jewett, Pg 390)
To keep this in simple terms observe the following diagram:
Here, the same concept applies, if the velocity of the cannon ball is adjusted to the right speed, there will be a point where the cannon ball will create a uniform path and create its own orbit!!!!!!!