Dr. Maiman and his first laser Image source: http://www.laserinventor.com/
Just six years after the first demonstration of stimulated emission, Dr. Theodore Maiman of Hughes Research successfully built a working ruby laser. Despite only taking nine months from inception to completion, Dr. Maiman faced nearly insurmountable obstacles, such as a shoestring budget of $50,000 (which included equipment and the salaries of himself and his assistants), the ridicule of the entire scientific community who believed that ruby was a poor lasing medium, the lack of faith in him by his superiors, and the fact that no one really had any idea what to do with a laser once it was invented. Also, the largest laboratories in the nation including TRG (with a one-million dollar grant from the Pentagon), Bell Labs, IBM, Westinghouse, Siemens, RCA Labs, and GE were racing to be the first to develop the laser.