Legs are like Pendulums...
The Shorter they are the Faster they Move.
It is important to understand why the short people have to walk with a quicker pace to keep up with the tall people! My legs move way faster than everyone else I know. It's up to the short people to work harder.
Then I walk to my classes in the frigid weather.
Pendulum Information
- Galileo had an encounter with a pendulum and after observation saw that it took the same amount of time for each swing.
- In 1656, A man named Christian Huygens developed a way to make the pendulum control the speed of the clock.
- "pendulum, a mass, called a bob, suspended from a fixed point so that it can swing in an arc determined by its momentum and the force of gravity" ("Infoplease").
Pendulum Equation
If you have a smaller pendulum arm length, then your period, the time it takes for one back and forth motion, is small. Therefore, if you have a longer pendulum arm length the period is larger. This concept can be related to shorter people and taller people. A shorter person has a quicker stride because the time it takes them to make one back and forth motion with their leg is much shorter than that of the tall person.
Yes, my legs are short so watch out my stride is quick, I might out pace you! Us short people exhert alot more effort than tall people because we've got to move our stubbly legs alot faster to keep up!
legs = pendulum