Properties of Blood

I. Blood contains:

A. Formed Elements -

Erythrocytes (red blood cells, involved in gas transport)

Leukocytes (white blood cells, defense system of our body)

Platelets (aid in the clotting process)

B. Plasma –

90% water

Over 100 different dissolved Solutes (Plasma Proteins, nutrients, electrolytes, gases, by-products of cellular metabolism)

II. Blood is:

A. Sticky, opaque fluid

B. Heavier than water

C. Thick due to the formed

D. Has a pH between 7.35 and 7.45

E. Is about 8% of the body’s

F. Average Volume is 5 to 6
liters in Males and 4 to 5
liters in Females

G. Temperature of about 104.4°

F. And is a little warmer than
body temperature


Information for this page used from “Human Anatomy & Physiology 5th Ed.) by Elaine N. Marieb

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