Why is Blood Important Evidence?

The analysis of blood splatter is important in investigating crimes because it can aid in reconstructing the events of the crime. “The position and appearance of blood marks on the body and its immediate surroundings will help the investigator to reconstruct the crime.” The size and shape of the blood patterns left behind in the crime scene can determine the “source of the blood and movement which might have occurred after the bloodshed began.”

Blood has known properties that allow experts to analyze and reproduce the patterns made at the crime scene. From the reconstruction of the blood patterns, they can determine if a crime was committed or if the wound was self inflicted. They can also determine if the victim crawled or was pulled away from the location where the point of impact occurred.

Using blood splatter as evidence is acceptable in our court system because it is verified by the basic laws of physics and basic principles of biology, chemistry and math.


Information used from “ People v Haywood” by the Michigan Appellate Digest; “Crime Investigations aided by forensic expert in blood spatters.” by Scott Shepard; “Forensic Serology: Bloodstain Pattern Analysis.”

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