Isaac Newton was born in 1643 in the town of Woolsthorpe, England. As a child and young adult, Newton showed signs of brilliance by inventing many things, such as a windmill powered by a treadmill run by a mouse. When Newton was 17 his mother called him from his studies in a neighboring town to come help on the family farm back in Woolsthorpe. After Newton proved himself to be an awful farmer, he returned to his studies and soon entered a University in Cambridge. It was here that he took a serious interest in science. After four years of study at Cambridge, he was forced to return home after the University shut down due to the plague. Although Newton made great contributions to natural philosophy while at Cambridge, it was in these two years home that Newton was most productive, as he gave rise to many new theories about math such as the creation of calculus, and it was also during this time that he theorized new ideas about gravity. SEMIT1T1VED_index_0.html