Physics Behind Modern 4 Stroke Engines
David Giessel
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Physics 211 Web Project, Fall 2002

Index  |  Engine Basics  |  Horsepower vs Torque  |  More Power via Boost  |  Bibliography  

Saturn LL0
Saturn SL2 engine bay

   We've all seen them before...mysterious chunks of metal under the hoods of our cars. They start when we turn the key and take us where we want to go. But how does an engine work? Internal combustion engines are a very important part of everyday life. We use them in our cars, trucks, airplanes. boats, snowmachines, 4 wheelers, and heavy machinery. These pages will help familiarize you with the basic concepts of how an engine works, an understanding of engine output, and some information on how forced induction or "boost" increases power output.

On to Engine Basics.