Paper Airfoil Aerodynamics

6 - Paper Airfoil Design Characteristics


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Designing paper airfoils presents a number challenges compared to using other materials.  In the words of one budding paper airfoil designer, "Paper sucks as a building material".  Not only is paper susceptible to mold and mildew, it is easily compromised by moisture, fire, and deformation due to high acceleration or rough handling.  It is not capable of spanning great distances without becoming inefficient due to its weight.  It is also not capable of supporting great loads by itself without rapidly becoming too massive or flimsy to fly.


Most paper airfoils do not have their own means of propulsion, and must be launched by hand.  The kinetic energy imparted to the airfoil by the human hand is relatively small, resulting in low altitudes attained by the airfoil during flight.  Because of this, the goal of a good gliding airfoil is to decrease the vertical rate of descent enough to increase time aloft.  If the rate of descent is negative, the airfoil will increase in elevation at the expense of its own kinetic energy, slowing the airfoil until boundary layer separation occurs.  If an airfoil's rate of descent is greatly positive, it will quickly lose altitude but gain kinetic energy and it's time aloft will be quite low.  Therefore it is desirable to minimize the rate of descent while keeping it positive enough to prevent a stall.


Mathematically, the rate of descent is dependant upon a number of factors, the velocity of the airfoil, the coefficient of drag of the airfoil, the density of the fluid, the wingspan, the span efficiency of the wing (basically how efficient the wing is in generating drag-producing tip-vortices.  A number closer to e=1 would have very little drag due to this phenomena.  Higher aspect ratios give a larger value to e), the surface area of the airfoil, and the weight of the airfoil.  The physical equations used to find the minimum speed necessary to remain aloft for an arbitrary airfoil are displayed in Figure 6.2.


Stability during flight is generally a good thing.  Most aircraft feature vertical and horizontal stabilizers in order to keep the aircraft flying straight and level.  In paper airfoils, it is generally not necessary to feature tail fins for stability, as the entire airfoil can provide stability if designed correctly.  If a paper airfoil is unstable, it takes only a relatively small change in airflow to change the flight characteristics drastically.


Every airfoil has at least two points about which the airfoil will tend to rotate through during flight.  The first is known as the center of mass.  All objects in flight tend to want to rotate about this point.  The other point of rotation is known as the center of drag.  It is the point about which the airfoil will rotate due to the forces of drag.


Generally, it is desirable to place the center of drag behind the center of mass for small projectiles.  This leads to a more stable airfoil and a straighter path of flight.  Darts, and paper airplanes use this property to fly true.  This can be accomplished by attaching more mass to the front of the airfoil, whether through a paperclip, or simply a fold of paper.  Another property of the airfoil leads naturally to stability.  Increasing the mass of the airfoil leads to greater stability during flight due to Newton's laws of motion.  A greater mass requires a greater acceleration to change its path.  Unfortunately, it is impractical to increase the mass of the paper airfoil much more than a few grams due to the generally small force of lift generated by the airfoil during flight.  Figure 6.3 displays these two points.


Yet another way to provide stability in unsteady air is to provide a Dihedral angle to the wings.  A Dihedral helps to prevent rolling when air is flowing at different rates across the two ends of the airfoil, causing a shear on the airfoil.  It has no stabilizing effect when there is no shear.  Figure 6.4 gives an example of Dihedral in a simple airfoil.


Listed below are a number of design tips concerning paper airfoils. .

1.     The angle of attack of a wing is used to help generate lift.  Increasing the angle of attack of the wing increases the curvature, causing a greater acceleration of airflow, leading to lower air pressures above the wing by Bernoulli's principle.  Increasing the angle of attack too greatly results in boundary layer separation.


2.     The Angle of Dihedral of a wing provides greater stability as well as marginally better lift.  Birds? wings feature dihedrals, 747?s feature dihedrals, even paper airfoils feature dihedrals.  The angle of Dihedral of a wing is simply the measure of what angle the wing is mounted at above horizontal.


3.     Greater speed results in an increase in lift.  Indeed, slow moving wings provide very little lift.  Large airplanes get around this fact by increasing their angle of attack through the use of flaps to change the curvature of the wing.  As it is relatively difficult to adjust the curvature of a paper airfoil while in flight, the adjustment of flaps beforehand allows the pilot of a paper airfoil some control over his airfoil's flight characteristics.


4.     Airfoils with larger cross-sections suffer greater drag than those of thin airfoils.  This is why a fighter-jet's airfoil is typically thinner in profile than that of a Cessna aircraft.  Although, typically, increasing the thickness of a wing generally increases its curvature, leading to greater lift.  For the case of paper airfoils, which are mostly flat, increasing the curvature of the wing leads to a loss in stability and a very large increase in drag. 


5.     Airfoils with shorter chord lengths typically suffer from less viscous drag than those of longer chord lengths.  These wings are called high-aspect ratio wings,  The aspect ratio is the ratio of the wing's wing-span to it's surface area.  For paper airfoils, due to lack of rigidity at long lengths and short chord lengths it is possible for a wing to fold in on itself at speeds of sustainable flight.  This typically puts an upper limit to a wing's span of only a few tens of centimeters when it is constructed of paper, and therefore most paper airfoil wings are low-aspect ratio.


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Figure 6.1 ? Aspect Ratio

Figure 6.2 ? Finding the minimum forces of lift, drag, and decent rate for an arbitrary airfoil.


Figure 6.3 Center of Mass and Center of Drag

Figure 6.4 -- Dihedral angle.

Figure 6.5 -- Airfoil Nomenclature