Paper Airfoil Aerodynamics

7 - Bibliography


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Abbot, Ira and Albert E. Von Doenhoff.  Theory of Wing Sections: Including a Summary of Airfoil Data.  New York, Dover Publications Inc, 1959


Blackburn, Ken.  "Paper Airplane Aerodynamics".

November 16, 2000


Heintz, Chris.  "Airfoils: Part 1 and 2"

November 20, 2000


Popular Mechanics.  August 1997.  "Into the Tiny Blue Yonder"

November 20, 2000


Shapiro, Ascher H.  Shape and Flow.  New York, Anchor Books, 1961


Weltner, Klaus and Ingelman-Sundberg, Martin.  "Misinterpretations of Bernoulli's Law"

Department of Physics, University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany; Stockholm. 

November 20, 2000


WIG Project 2000.  "Introduction to Aerodynamics"

November 18, 2000


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