The Physics Dynamic of Racquetball


               In a phrase, Conservation of Momentum. 

V1f = V1i (m1 –m2/m1 + m2 )>>>  v2f  = V1i ( 2m1/m1+m2)

      In the example we have been talking about, a racquetball is hit by a racquet, which when is done at the moment of impact both the ball and the racquet deform.  Now this doesn't seem like that big of a deal however, the amount of force exerted on the ball and the racquet is tremendous. To put it into perspective, on the low end, a racquetball flies thought the air at around 40-60 miles per hour.  On the upper end, such as a racquetball hit by a professional the ball can be hit up to as much as 160 miles per hour.  There have even been "reports of some people hitting the balls as fast as 200 miles per hour".  That's a lot of momentum!

      But the conservation of momentum is is not the only physics concept at play in this game.  Some other important concepts are rotational momentum, and of course Newtons three laws of motion. All of these of course though can be summed up in a simple yet ever so important and pertinent equation.....F=ma!  Also we cannot forget, the ever present Gravity, which judging by the picture at the top of the screen, the man will experience the affects of shortly.