The Insides
Whats inside a black hole?

Though we do not know and may never know the inner mechanisms of black holes we can make educated guesses based on observation and mathematical models. As stated before a black hole is a theoretical infinitely dense and supermassive, gravitational singularity in space with zero volume. The first actual model for a black hole singularity was created by Karl Schwarzchild when he solved Einsteins Field Equations to describe the gravitational field for a point mass. This brought the problem that after a certain radius the equations begin to equal infinity, this radius is called the Schwarzchild radius. It was found that if the mass was contained within this radius it could work with some specific reactions. Light would not be able escape the gravitational pull of such a mass , the sprectral lines emitted would be red shifted out of existence, and the mass would curve space-time so much that space would close around it. The nature of these reactions means that we will probably never be able to know the true nature of the singularity as any information we send in will not be able to escape after entering, while any mass entering would experience such a difference in gravitational forces at small distances that it would be immeditaly pulled apart and turned into "Spaghetti".

Black Hole Singularity represented in space time [2]