The Eavor Loop- The Future of Geothermal Energy

The Eavor Loop system in a closed loop system that acts like a radiator to produce electricity from much lower temperature sources than conventional systems (Eavor 2021). This is a prime example of the advanced geothermal systems (AGS) that can be learned about on the “Methods of Implementation” page.

The key difference in the Eavor Loop system is the use of a closed loop system. This closed loop system allows the fluid inside to take advantage of a thermosiphon effect- the less dense hot fluid rises while the more dense, and colder fluid falls. This system removes the need of a pump, enabling more power to be generated for commercial sale with less heat (Eavor 2021). This means that the Eavor Loop can generate enough electricity to power 16,000 homes on one installation (Eavor 2021).

Currently the Eavor Loop system is still being tested and not in use commercially. However, Eavor has recently partnered with BP and Chevron, two oil and gas behemoths, to further develop this technology (Denton 2021). Eavor has also recently partnered with Enex Power Germany to produce Eavor-Loops in Bavaria, Germany.

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Basics of Geothermal Energy Methods of Implementation Uses in Alaska The Eavor Loop- The Future of Geothermal Energy Works Cited