Hydropower History

Hydropower is one of the oldest forms of power generated by man. The earliest forms of hydropower date back to ancient Greece, where farmers harnessed the power of water and turned it into mechanical power for uses such as grinding grain. I found this interactive timeline about the history of hydropower in the USA, produced by energy.gov to be very interesting.

old hydropower

Photo Taken From Here

Modern-Day Large Scale Hydropower

The Grand Coulee Dam in Washington is the largest hydroelectric plant in the USA. The dam was began producing electricity in 1942 and has since been upgraded with another powerplant to increase energy production. The Grand Coulee Dam is 550 feet tall, with a reservoir capacity of 12 cubic kilometers, which is what allows the turbine generators to produce 20.24 TWh of power anually. (That's 20,240,000,000 KWh!)

Grand Coulee
            DamPhoto Photo Taken From Here