Non Fatal:
Less Than Lethal Weapons and the Physics Behind Them

Blunt Force Electroshock
Riot Control


  This is probably the most popular choice of less than lethal defense: chemical defense.
IBM Model
                                                          M13 Keyboard

You have probably already heard of it in the form of pepper spray. Another pretty simple concept: two containers at different pressures are connected by a valve (in this case a button). Once that valve is released, each container will expel gas until pressures come to equilibrium.


Pepper spray is fairly dense for a liquid-like substance, its main ingredient Capsaicin has a mass of 305.418 g/mol, but the way it works doesn't really require much energy or velocity. Only enough to cover the distance between the individual holding the can and the target. So long as it makes skin contact around the eyes and around the mouth.

Target Area

The result will be the target going into a fit of coughing, wheezing, gagging, a burning sensation on the skin, temporary blindness, and a burning sensation in the throat. Most likely, the target will be incapacitated, or in a state that they are no longer a threat.

Since one is able to aim for the more critical parts of human sensory organs, and able to cause significant disturbance to the body without significant risk of long term damage, Pepper spray is the most popular form of self defense that doesn't involve a firearm.

Javier De Leon
Physics 211 - Fall 2018
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Background: "Blue" by karenatsharon is licensed under CC BY 2.0