The Ohio class submarine is powered by a single S8G pressurized water reactor (PWR) that is rated for 220 MW thermal.  Replacing the diesel/battery combination of earlier submarines with nuclear power has several advantages.  The biggest one is that it provides a much higher amount of stored energy, allowing the submarine to stay at sea for a much longer time.  Another major advantage is noise reduction, as the nuclear reaction process requires no moving parts unlike their diesel engine predecessor.


Like all PWR systems, the S8G plant has a reactor coolant system that uses water as a coolant and moderator.  This water is heated by the thermalization of fast neutrons formed from fission.  The heat/coolant then flows to steam generators where the heat is then transferred across metal tubes and into an entirely different water in the steam system, similar to how a heat exchanger works.  The flowing coolant is meant to take advantage of the most efficient form of heat transfer: convection.  This heat transfer provides enough energy to cause a phase change from sub-cooled water to super-heated steam that is used for various functions within the engine room, mostly to drive turbines for propulsion and electricity generation.

The most important advantage that PWRs have over boiling water reactors (BWR) is safety.  So long as the reactor is designed with a negative temperature coefficient of reactivity, it is nearly impossible to have a meltdown so long as the core remains covered in liquid water.  The coolant is kept at very high pressure to ensure it cannot boil.  This is why the reactor coolant system and the steam system are separated.

The 2nd law of thermodynamics prevents all 220 MWt from actually doing work due to conductive losses to the much lower ambient air.  After all energy losses in the reactor coolant system are accounted for, the end result is a steam temperature of about 245° C, which corresponds to a maximum steam pressure of about 40 Bar on the following phase diagram.  In more familiar terms, this is about 475° F at about 580 psi.


Accounting for additional losses in the steam system and the fact the turbines are not 100% efficient, the result is that not all of this pressure is used to spin the turbines.  The process of the turbines converting the various energies in the steam to work can be found in more detail here in the EDS page.  For now, we will just make the claim that this conversion is done, which has the result of rotating turbine rotors in order to rotate their shafts.  From the exhaust of the turbines, the steam still has leftover pressure, so seawater is used as the ultimate heat sink for the overall heat engine process, which condenses the steam for reuse.  This seawater flows through condensers where the steam can impart its thermal energy to the much colder ocean.  This heat transfer is so effective that the remaining pressure in the steam is dropped to near perfect vacuum conditions.  The now liquid water is then pumped back into the steam generator for reuse.

The tube bundle of a steam generator.  While this is larger than the submarine's on
account of belonging to a commercial power plant, it does well to demonstrate
how much care is put into maximizing the heat transfer surface area.
IMAGE SOURCE: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Photo Gallery


With steam now driving the turbines, the shafts of the turbines are now rotating.  The speed of this rotation is too fast to efficiently turn the propeller.  Also, the propeller is designed with low speeds in mind to minimize cavitation.  Thus, the turbines are connected to the propeller shaft with a couple of stages of reducing gears, similar to the image below.

IMAGE SOURCE: Bright Hub Engineering

An equation for tangential velocity in rotational motion is this:

vt=v\underset{t}{}=Tangential velocity (constant)
ω=ω=Angular velocity
r=r=Radius of rotating object

Since there is no relative motion between any two connected gears in this assembly, tangential velocity remains constant throughout.  So, in order to decrease angular velocity (aka the speed of the propeller shaft), the radius must increase, with the main gear being the largest increase.  This also has the effect of increasing the torque on the propeller shaft as evidenced by the following equation.

r=r=Radius of rotating object
F=F=Force on rotating object (constant)

Fun fact: This torque figure approaches 2 million ft-lbs. and the propulsion system delivers up to 60,000 shaft horsepower.

Backup forms of propulsion include a DC electric motor that engages with the shaft via a clutch as well as AC electric outboards.  An example of such outboards is shown on the frigate below.



A ballistic missile submarine's typical mission doesn't require high speed operation, since it is out there only to hide nukes.  A major feature in the S8G plant further enhances noise reduction, called natural circulation.  While pumps do exist to circulate coolant during high power operation, at low power the pumps may be turned off and the system can continue operating.  The well-known fact that hot fluids rise and cold fluids sink due to density differences is the main idea behind this.  Basically, the hot water output from the reactor is located close to the bottom of the coolant loop.  The input to the steam generator is located at a much higher location.  Since heating the feed water to make steam causes the a heat transfer from the coolant, the coolant becomes relatively cool in the steam generator.  This sets up a hot spot at the bottom and a cold spot at the top, places they don't want to be.  Thus a thermal drive is created, allowing coolant to flow from the reactor to the steam generators with no moving parts.

Author: David Atwood    |    Physics 212    |    02 January 2019    |    Design: HTML5 UP