Godzilla's Anatomy Part I

Godzilla 2000
Source: Godzilla 2000 (1999)

Assuming that Godzilla can support his own weight, can exist, and we’re assuming that his body does not run purely off some magical form of nuclear down, he still wouldn’t entirely free from issues. Unless his heart is absolutely massive and was constantly pumping blood for every pico-second of his existence, there’s absolutely no way Godzilla would have enough blood to survive. If he did, then his arteries would burst from the rate his blood would be pumping throughout his system because of the intense pressure of the blood flow.


Giraffe’s suffer a very similar issue to this. Anyone who has observed a giraffe knows that their necks are incredibly thick and they have to be incredibly careful when they stand up so they don’t faint but they have had numerous mutations in their circulatory systems to prevent this from being a problem. Unless Godzilla’s radioactive mutation was absolutely perfect, I don’t see this being something that he wouldn’t have an issue with.

Another issue Godzilla would suffer with is not overheating. As muscles in the body contract, they release energy within the body and the body tends to vent this energy by sweating to avoid overheating. However, since Godzilla takes up so much mass that his muscle contractions would release enough heat to kill a normal human within seconds. This is a problem that is actually addressed in the most recent film, where Godzilla’s early mutation stages release so much heat that he actually has to vent
blood in order to keep himself from burning alive in his own skin.

Shin Godzilla ejecting blood
Godzilla ejecting blood out of his gills in order to stay alive.
Source: Shin Godzilla (2016)

Title Page
Anatomy Part I
Anatomy Part II
Atomic Breath
Ancient Technique
Works Cited

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