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Physics of Archery

Taylor Tompkins
class: F212x-F07

Objective: This web project is to understand the trajectory of an arrow fired from a bow. When a bow is pulled back work is done on the bow, and potential energy is stored in the bow like a spring, then when the bow if fired the potential energy is transferred to kinetic energy shooting the arrow off to its target. This will be explained more in depth within this web project.

World Applications: This information can be used to track or predict a projectiles motion being fired from a bow (spring). 


Storing: For this project we need to dive into what goes into firing an arrow at a target when an archer pulls back on the bow he/she is storing energy into the bow like pulling on a spring. This action gives the arrow greater potential energy. Think of this like picking up a rock and putting it somewhere high up.

Figure 1: storing energy

Firing: This is the complicated part though this is a web site about archery we need to make the assumption that there is no friction or lift this will allow the calculations to be understandable, also for storing potential the bow will be categorized as a spring.

 Figure 2: The flight

Landing: The target for this project is a foam deer that wants to be shot with an arrow (trust me he's fine with it) but, as we will see later we need to find where to put him knowing the firing speed and angle of launch. There is no wind for these calculations.

Figure 3: Hitting the target

NOTE: Bows and Arrows are by nature dangerous and should only be handled with extreme caution. DO NOT point bow at people or animals, also never fire a bow without an arrow. This web site is not designed to improve targeting for archery it is purely academic, ALWAYS know what is in front you when using a bow. no animals or people were harmed in the making of this site the deer is made of foam.