

    throughout the Batman movies Batman uses his cape as a way to glide from one building or another or from the top of a building to the ground.  Could this really be possible though?  Can Batman actually glide from the top of a building to the ground without being injured on the landing?  Basic physics will tell you that he cannot glide from the top of a building to the ground without a parachute to slow himself down.  There are a few equations you can use to easily figure out the velocity he would be traveling when he reaches the ground.

First you start with the lift and drag equations.

L=1/2CLpAv2    Where CL is the coefficient for lift.
D=1/2CDpAv2    Where CD is the coefficient for drag.

    Using these two equations you can easily solve for the acceleration of Batman(A).  Batman would be traveling at approximately 100km/hr.  So upon landing at that speed unless he has a parachute to slow him down he would be severely injured or die.

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