Real Life Sources of Room Disorder

Over the course of the past few sections, we have considered theoretical situations in which objects are placed randomly throughout a room. We will now consider real life sources for untidy rooms. While there are many different methods to dirty a room (more than we could possibly discuss) we will attempt to study the more common sources.

1: Laziness
One of the biggest sources of disorder in rooms is often simply laziness. Examples of this are everywhere. For example: a person doesn't put their clothes in the dirty laundry before going to bed, or a child doesn't clean up his toys after using them. The truth is, it takes work to put things away. Things that require work require energy, which often times people are not willing to use.

2: Gravity
While arguably not the biggest source of randomness in rooms, gravity can bring many things crashing to the ground causing a big mess. Furthermore, since gravity naturally pulls objects towards the center of mass, gravity offers a methods of reducing the work required to put things away. (See Laziness)