Plate covered earth
The earth is covered in tectonic plates, major and minor. The major plates can be larger than the largest continent while the minors the can be as small as West Virginia (Alden). These plates cover every inch of the planet so it is only reasonable to wonder what kind of effects do the boundaries between the plates cause?

The boundaries between plates experience extreme tectonic forces. This stress can be released in bursts with catastrophic results or can cause deformation of surrounding areas (Kehew). Upwells of molten rock can actually punch through the surface. All in all the plate boundaries sound like a nasty place to be. Unfortunately people are stuck near these plate boundaries so knowing what to expect is key.

The expectables
All plate boundaries may produce earthquakes. Convergent and divergent boundaries may cause volcanic upwelling resulting in the production of volcanoes or islands forming. Convergent plate boundaries are the only ones who tend to make deep trenches. Finally, divergent plate boundaries can form hot springs and grabens (Kehew).

No plate hate
Hopefully after reading these webpages you will think boundaries are really interesting geological features of Earth and won't hate plate boundaries for what they cause.