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AC and DC motors serve as the power sources for an incredible amount of gadgets and gizmos that we use today.  Everything from your refrigerator to your your bedroom fan uses electric motors as their power source.  In many of these cases, electric motors are the only practical power source.  For example, what if, instead of an electric motor, your bedroom fan was powered by a gas motor?  Well, for starters, it would be expensive (and a real pain) to keep the motor filled with gas.  More importantly, the motor would produce Carbon Monoxide which would build up in your house and could poison you!  The same is true for things like refrigerators and hair dryers.  Another added benefit of electric motors is that they tend to be quieter (it would be a real pain listening to a gas powered refrigerator at 3 A.M.). 

AC and DC motors are continually being improved to serve in more diverse areas of life all the time.  For example, humans are beginning to figure out how to make electric powered vehicles.  While these vehicles are still a new idea and need to be refined, the idea could wind up being a big plus for the environment due to less air pollution. 

If you look around, it won't take long to find something that is power by either an AC or DC motor.  Below are a few things that use such engines.


image sources:;_ylu=X3oDMTBxNG1oMmE2BHNlYwNmcC1hdHRyaWIEc2xrA3J1cmwEaXQD/RV=2/RE=1428806336/RO=11/ (makita drill) (Kitchen Aid);_ylu=X3oDMTBxNG1oMmE2BHNlYwNmcC1hdHRyaWIEc2xrA3J1cmwEaXQD/RV=2/RE=1428815441/RO=11/ (Hair Dryer)