Elegant pictures by craigCloutier Taken from flickr, under creative common. If you keep any of these pictures in your final website, please keep this credit too, thanks

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Examples of the Good, Bad, and Ugly Physics On Film and Why

I am going to highlight a few of the good and bad things that happened within this movie starring Sandra Bullock:


1) GOOD - In space, stations can fall out of orbit when a third force is added in the equation throwing the ratio off, but it wouldn't have happened as quickly as it did in the film.


2) BAD - Bodies don't freeze instantly when exposed to space, because space is a vacuum if a human body was exposed to space it would radiate away all the heat but wouldn't freeze dry instantly like the movie depicts.


3) BAD - Tears don't float off your face in space like the movie depicts a Canadian astronaut showed this in the youtube link below. Surface tension is a powerful force that bonds the molecules in liquids together and accounts for things that are small affected by small molecular forces.




4) GOOD - Astronauts do lose muscle mass during the time they are in space, not from the lack of exercise but from the antigravity effect on them which makes hem atrophy.

Gravity  -  C-

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