
Education and Early Work

Later Years

The Neutron

Manhattan Project


  The Manhattan Project

The Manhattan Project was only made possible by Chadwick's discovery because the neutron is used to split the uranium atom. But Chadwick contributed more than this. In fact he was the author of the final draft of the MAUD report (Military Applications of Uranium Detonation) which was largely responsible for President Franklin Delano Roosevelt funding the Manhattan Project.

Chadwick 4


In the Manhattan project Chadwick had authority over all the non-American physicists working on the project which we much needed because of the lack of experimental physicists in the U.S. Only Chadwick and two others knew of all the plans and facilities for the project. He would even get to see the bomb at work in a test in Los Alamos. After the war he was vital in ensuring the information obtained in the project was shared with the British and gained considerable respect for his role in the Manhattan project.

Michael Pritchard