Arc Reactor

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     "The primary purpose of the first RF coupler is to convert gas into plasma by ionizing it, or knocking an electron loose from each gas atom. It is known as the helicon section, because its coupler is shaped such that it can ionize gas by launching helical waves. Helicon couplers are a common method of generating plasma. After the helicon section, the gas is now "cold plasma", even though its temperature is greater than the surface of the Sun (5800 K). The plasma is a mixture of electrons and ions (the atoms they were stripped from). The newly formed electrons and ions carry charge and may then be contained by a magnetic field shielding the rocket core from the plasma. The second coupler is called the Ion Cyclotron Heating (ICH) section. ICH is a technique used in fusion experiments to heat plasma to temperatures on the order of those in the Sun's core (10 million K). The ICH waves push only on the ions as they orbit around the magnetic field lines resulting in accelerated motion and higher temperature.

     Thermal motion of ions around the magnetic field lines is mostly perpendicular to the rocket's direction of travel and must be converted into directed flow to produce thrust. The rocket uses a magnetic nozzle to convert the ions orbital motion into useful linear momentum resulting in ion speeds on the order of 180,000 km/hr (112,000 mph)."

     In the 2008 film, Iron Man dances with two jets and goes supersonic. Earlier in the film, he is seen testing some sort of rocket boots. The Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR), according to Marvel, is a similar version of what Stark might have used. According to the VASIMR website, “..(VASIMR®) engine is a new type of electric thruster with many unique advantages. In a VASIMR® engine, gas such as argon, xenon, or hydrogen is injected into a tube surrounded by a magnet and a series of two radio wave (RF) couplers The couplers turn cold gas into superheated plasma and the rocket’s magnetic nozzle converts the plasma thermal motion into a directed jet.” Although VASIMR is used in space and Iron Man flies through the city, creating enough thrust to prompt movement is the main idea in both scenarios. VASIMR is still in the basics of construction, facing issues, but still proving functional in a vacuum. Since Iron Man is smaller than a rocket — for which the VASIMR is made for — problems such as perhaps messing with the Earth’s magnetosphere, can be avoided by insulating against the strong magnetic fields.

     VASIMR is currently discussing two options for a power source, one being nuclear power since the thrusters consume a large amount of electricity. This would be solved by the fact that Iron Man has a *pretty much* never-ending power source in his chest. A problem for Stark, as seen briefly in the film, is controlling how much power to use to lift himself in the suit, as well as how to steer. Iron Man flies with the help of J.A.R.V.I.S., his personal artificial intelligent computer, which, during flight, would use control surfaces on the suit to adjust during mid-flight. Making the legs of the suit rigid would help stability at take-off, in flight, and releasing just before landing would help decrease shock on Stark’s legs. When he seemingly floats in the air, this seems to turn off.

     As the 2008 film continues, Stark makes more adjustments to the suit, including adding repulsers on each hand. Although these can be used as weapons, they can also be used to quickly turn the direction of where Stark is flying. A simple way for Stark to stay level is to place his arms like plane wings, And his body parallel to the ground when flying completely straight on Earth’s surface. The many dives and loops only come with experience.