Newton's Second Law

Like many things in life Newton's Second Law can be applied to snowboarding. The two forces that snowboarders encounter are those of gravity and friction. When a snowboarder is going down a hill or mountain he uses the force of gravity and the decreased friction of the snow to reach top speeds. By applying Newton's Second Law of F=ma you can calculate speed and acceleration of a snowboarder going down a hill.
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The figure above shows a free body diagram for a snowboarder going down a hill at an angle θ. The gravitational force points down and has a magnitude of MG, where M=mass of the snowboarder and G=Gravity (9.81 m/s²). The force along the plane of the hill is given by mgsinθ and the normal force is shown equal to mgcosθ. Friction is equal to the coefficient of kinetic friction (uk) times the normal force, so in this situation the force of friction would be: Fk=-ukmgcosθ (minus sign meaning the force in the negative x-direction). So for the total force in the x-direction we get:

1) mgsinθ-ukmgcosθ=ma
                        Solving for acceleration: 2) a= g(sinθ-ukcosθ)
 In equation 1) we used Newton's Second law of F=ma. When solving for acceleration in equation 2) mass drops out and you are left with the results above.

If you wanted to solve for the velocity of the snowboarder you could use the kinematic equation of


Solving for vf (final velocity)


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