Kinetic Energy
Kinetic Energy (KE) is a subject in physics that relates the extra energy an object gains due to its motion with its mass and velocity. The mass and velocity of the traveling object are related by the following equation:
KE = ½* m* v²
Where m is mass and v is velocity


Kinetic Energy is a very important part of snowboarding. When a snowboarder is assessing a jump to determine how much speed they will need to clear the jump, they are using considering how much kinetic energy they will need. A lighter snowboarder will need more speed in order to have the same kinetic energy that a heavier snowboarder will need to clear the jump. The amount of energy needed at takeoff to clear the jump is directly related to the distance that the snowboarder will cover in the air. Not enough kinetic energy at takeoff means that the snowboarder will land early and when that happens you get injured.
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