
Works Cited

W. Bauer and G. Westfall, University Physics with Modern Physics P.             509-535. (McGraw Hill, New York, NY, 2011).

FreelanceTeach, "“Interference and diffraction”. Uploaded: April 18, 2009.     <        p=A435953DF9CC6BB9&index=0&playnext=1>

FreelanceTeach, "Waves and Oscillations" Uploaded: April 21, 2009.             <          p=4C08D57A5FCC72F6&index=0&playnext=1>

T. Henderson, "Sound Waves and Music:Lesson 1" The Physics Classroom         <>

K. Cunefare, "Special Lay-Language paper for the 75th Anniversary             Meeting  of the Acoustical Society of America, Active Noise Control."         147th  ASA    Meeting, New York, NY May, 2004 (accessed April 18,         2011)   <>

M. Fischetti,"Reducing a Roar." Scientific American 292, no. 2: 92-93.          Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhose (accessed April 18, 2011).