Light characteristics under water also significantly effect fish bioenergetics. This is largely related to how these characteristics impact a fish's ability to see, so the concept of reaction distance becomes important here. Reaction distance (RD) is the distance from a fish that a prey item is first detected, demonstrated in the figure below. The greater the reaction distance, the better the probability of capture, and thus the greater efficiency in gaining energy. Therefore, light intensity and other optical properties in the water can ultimately effect the energy intake rate of fish. Light intensity can be related to both the time of day and the amount of shading around a stream. Once light does reach the water, clarity becomes a critical issue. The amount of fine and coarse particulate matter in the water, referred to as turbidity,  will effect clarity by both absorbing and refracting light. An increase in turbidity makes it much more difficult to see, reducing reaction distance and negatively effecting the efficiency of obtaining energy.

Figure from Dunbrack and Dill (1984)
    Experimental confirmation of the importance of light intensity and turbidity is shown in the figure below. Reaction distance greatly increases as light intensity increases, until dropping off slightly after a maximum beneficial level is reached. However, at constant light levels, greater reaction distance are observed with lower levels of turbidity, measured in NTU's.

Figure from Vogel (1999)
    Another way of considering how important visual resolution is to the energetic success of a fish is to look at how the rate of encountering prey is affected. Encounter rate is a component especially important for actively foraging fish, such as a bluegill cruising in a lake. The maximum encounter rate (E) for such a fish is

E = π(rsinθ)2vN
Figure from Aksnes and Giske (1993)
where r is the fish's visual range, θ is the reaction field half angle, v is swimming speed, and N is prey abundance. A decrease in r with changing light conditions will cause a decrease in E and thus decrease the energy in the system that is available to the fish.
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