An Exploration of the Physics Behind Rail Guns
Daniel Lenord
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Physics 212 Web Project, Spring 2003

Index  |  Introduction  |  Velocity  |  Right Hand Rule  |  Bibliography  
   A rail gun in it's simplest form is a pair of conducting rails separated by a distance L and with one rail connected to the positive and one the negative side of a power source supplying voltage V and current I. A conducting projectile bridges the gap L between the rails, completing the electrical circuit. As current I flows through the rails, a magnetic field B is generated with an orientation dictated by the right hand rule and with a magnitude governed by the following equation.


Simple Rail Gun

When a current I moves through a conductor of length L in the presence of a magnetic field B, the conductor experiences a force F according to the following.


The direction of the force depends on the direction of the current through the projectile and the magnetic field since the force is truly a vector with direction dictated by the cross product of the vector quantities I and B.