By Taylor Duggar
Physics 211x D. Newman
Spring 2009

TaeKwon-Do originated in Korea in the middle part of the 1900's.  The founder General Choi Hong Hi, learned Karate during the thirty six year period that Japan was occupying Korea.  When Korea was liberated in 1945 General Choi was a founding member of the South Korean Armed Forces.  In January of 1946, he was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Republic of Korea army and was a company commander in the 4th infantry regiment.  There, he began teaching Karate to his soldiers as a part of both their physical and mental training.  He soon realized the need for the soldiers to have their own martial art, unique to their country. 

General Choi had previously been imprisoned in Japan.  While he was held captive he told three of his comrades:

"The reason that our people suffer in this way at the hands of the japanese is that our ancestors failed to rule wisely. They exploited the people and, in the end, lost the country to foreign domination.  If we ever regain our freedom and independence, let us not become the rulers of the people.  Instead, let us dedicate ourselves to advising those who rule."

He believed this could be accomplished in part by spreading his new Korean Martial Art across the country.

TaeKwon-Do was officially given its name on April 11, 1955.

The spiritual side of TaeKwon-Do comes from the traditional, ethical and moral principles of the orient as well as the personal philosophy of General Choi.

The physical side of TaeKwon-Do was derived from modern science, especially Newtonian Physics.  It also draws upon military tactics of attack and defense.