Intro What is it? How does it work? What can I do with it? The Future of Gravity! Bibliography

What will gravity become?

General relativity

For the longest time Newtonial laws have explained gravity adiquatily, that no one thought to challenge it. Then in 1916 a humble patent officer described gravity not as an actrative force between masses but rather as a strait path bent by the curvature of spacetime near massive objects. For the normal everyday Joe thisrevilation had very little impact. At low speeds, and small masses everything behaved as it always had, but for high velocities, and massive objects, an long distances, Einstein's general relativity began to predict unique phenomenon. It allowed for super massive-zero volume objects (black holes), time dilation, doppler effects on light, gravitatonal lensing.

Unified Field Theory

As perfect as Einstein's general relativity is, there are a few places where theory and result don't match up. One in particular is quantum mechanics. Each give completly diferent prediction for the same conditions. This is believed to be due to the different scales for wich they work (quantum mechanics = very small, and general relativity = very large). Einstein believed that one great unified theroy would be able to explain these differences and was even able to unify all forces excpt gravity (weak, strong, and electromagnetic). This lack of simplification suggest the something is missing from general relativity, and the search is on to try and fix gravity.