"Muah! Haha! Ha ... HA!"Oh yeah, thought Dr. Centrifugus, I NAILED that laugh. I rule. Spinning, the bad doctor screwed his face into a look of contorted fury. "FOOLS!" He shouted at the pinball players huddled before him. "Your faith in the laws of physics is sadly misplaced - hokey religions and ancient weapons are no substitute for a good blaster at your side."

"That reference makes no sense, Doctor Centrifugus," said a voice from the shadows. "But anyone who takes the name of an imaginary Force can't be trusted to get things right." There, in the billowing shadows of the dark recesses of the shadowy corners of the brightly lit room, a patch of midnight peeled itself away from the surrounding gloom.

"Physics Man - I should have known you'd show up." Taking a step towards the physicist, Doctor Centrifugus glared at the heroic interruption of his plans. "But you're too late to save these fools," he shouted, thrusting a finger at the huddled mass of captives. "These morons put their faith in your stupid physics and its forces - and were beaten into submission by my champion...." He paused, grinning, before spreading his arms wide. " They are mine by right of combat! My Pinball Wizard, Tommy, has proven to them the error of their beliefs!"

Physics Man took a hard look at the deaf, dumb and blind kid who had - somehow - beaten all the pinballers at their own game. More worrisome was the Doctor's claim that the Wizard had somehow broken the laws of physics... laws he was sworn to protect. Scowling, he addressed them both. "I don't know what sort of game you're playing here, Doctor Centrifugus, but I know how to stop it." Throwing himself forward, he aimed a fist at the Doctor's jaw. "Let me give you a Newtonian lesson about force being equal to:"

OK, kids! Help Physics Man with his trash talk! Which should he say?

mass times acceleration, bitch! anger squared!

This site built by John Chiment for Physics 211. Click here for the bibliography, or here to go home.