Types of returns for aggressive play

    An integral part of racquetball is using your knowledge of angles to take advantage of your opponents position. You could even go farther by adjusting velocities of your hits and altering the spin or trajectory to a point were your opponent was hopeless from the time he hit that weak return or serve. There are many ways to return a hit, but knowing where to hit and how to hit is more important in this game of physics. A key position in the game is being able to hold the middle. By taking the middle you are able to perform aggressive shots more frequently. If you are not in the middle you will be out of position and being able to win the volley will be more difficult. The objective for defensive shots are to dislodge your opponent from the middle and put him in positions that create disadvantages.

      A basic but very effective shot is the pass shot. The pass shot is performed by hitting the area right in front you and at a low angle and should be hit at a high speed. With a high speed and low angle the ball should bounce twice before the opponent reaches the ball. With proper practice if your opponent is far away a shot down the line will be an easy point. This shot is generally the first aggressive shot a beginner will learn.

   One of the most demoralizing shots in the game is the pinch shot. The object of this shot is to hit the ball so it hits at a low angle into the corner of the wall. If your opponent is behind you, with the right position and correct trajectory a pinch shot will cause the ball to be to too far away for your opponent. This shot is very difficult to master because at a higher angle the ball will bounce a farther distance and your opponent will be able to return easily and possibly put you into a positional disadvantage.
If you go to low there is the possibility that your shot may not hit the back wall.

  The kill shot is the greatest weapon to use in Racquetball. If your opponent sets you up nicely with a weak return. Using the kill shot you instantly win the volley. To perform the kill shot you hit the ball with a linear trajectory. At such a low elevation the ball will hit the wall, then the floor and creates a second bounce that almost happens instantly.
