speaker            VOLUME AND SOUND INTENSITY:        amplifier
How loud IS cranking it up to 11?

Sound intensity
is defined as the power per unit area, which in the case of sound, is the Watt per square meter (W/m2). This                                 means that the spherical motion of the sound causes its intensity to vary with distance from the sound's                                           source.

The equation for sound intensity is given as follows:

where ρ is the density of air,
is the frequency of the wave (discussed more on the frequency page),
C is the speed of the wave, and
A is the amplitude of the wave, depending on the radius (that is, distance from the source).

Inverse square law
As a result of this equation, we see that as the distance from the source of the sound increases by a factor of some number N, the intensity of the sound is decreased by a factor of N2.

The opposite, however is also true. If the distance is decreased by some factor N, then the intensity of the sound is increased by N2.

So if you are standing 10m from a loudspeaker at a concert, and you move to 5m away, the intensity of the sound coming from the speaker is now 4 times what it had been at 10m. This is important to keep in mind so as not to damage your hearing the next time you attend your favorite band's show.

Photo courtesy of http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/ph4060/p406i.html
Note: the equation for the intensity of sound in this diagram comes from the power written as a fraction of the sphere's area. This is another approach to sound intensity.

Volume is simply a scale of sound intensities. One way to describe volumes is on a logarithmic scale, using what is known as the Bel.

The Bel was named for Alexander Graham Bell, who is credited in the West as inventing the telephone. However, more commonly used is the decibel, which is simply a scale in units of one-tenth of a Bel. This system was derived solely to describe the types of sounds that the human ear was capable of hearing. The scale is logarithmic because the sounds that a human ear can process vary greatly over a wide range of sounds.

The equation for the decibel is represented as follows:

Decibel equation

Where L is the sound level,
I is the intensity of the object's sound, and
Io is a fixed value of 10-12 W/m2, which is the minimum intensity that the human ear can hear. 

Here are some examples of common sounds and their decibel levels:

Quietest sound heard
0 dB
Background sound in a library
30 dB
Golf course
40-50 dB
Street traffic
60-70 dB
Train at railroad crossing
90 dB
Dance club
110 dB
Jack hammer
120 dB
Jet taking off from an aircraft carrier
130-150 dB

It is very important, when working around areas with high sound levels, to remember to wear hearing protection. At 130 dB, the intensity of the sound will start to cause pain. Sound levels about 150 dB can even cause an ear drum to rupture.

Additionally, since the sound level is dependent upon sound intensity, and intensity is dependent upon distance from a sound's power source, it is also worth noting that the sound level also decreases when the distance from the power source increases. So it is possible to lower the sound level of an object simply by moving farther away from it.