Keeler, Alan, Police Officer, University of Fairbanks Police Department, Interview 11/19/02 and 11/20/02

Serway, R. A. , Beichner, R. J, Jewett, J.W. Jr., Physics for Scientists and Engineers Fifth Edition, Thomas Learning Inc., 2000

US DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Basic Training Program in Radar Speed Measurement,

Kustom Signals, Inc., HR-12 Hand Held Traffic Radar Operators Manual Revision 2, Kustom Signals, Inc., 1992, How does a laser speed gun work to measure a car's speed?, Scientific Speed Detection

Source: www.

Special Thanks to:
Officer Alan Keeler, UAF Police, who really helped me and contributed so much information and time.

Officer Andrew Merrill, Alaska State Troopers, for the opportunity to take photos.

Mike Blanning, State of Alaska DOT Maintenance and Operations Station Foreman, for letting me look at the radar trailers.

Professor David Newman for help with the formulas.

Homepage | Basic Theory | Manual Speed Detection | Radar Speed Detection | Laser Speed Detection | The Doppler Effect | Directory of Related Links | Bibliography

Kim Phillips
Physics 211
Dr. David Newman