Welcome to the Physics of Fencing Website!

Before I begin my discussion about how physics effects fencing and how fencers use physics for more effective fencing, I will briefly discuss the origins of the sport of fencing. The first two fencing manuals were created and published in 1471and 1474. These emerged from an attempt at developing a system to teach people how to weild a light sword more effectively inbattle and duels in Frankfurt, Germany. Over the years, two distinct styles emerge. They were French and Italian. The french style relied mostly on strategy while Itialian used mostly physical strenght(Roswell).

The first foils emerged during the seventeenth century for a more effective way of teaching students the "art" of dueling. In the eighteenth century, the rules were created for fencing as a sport. It is from these rules that today's rules for fencing were created(Roswell)

In fencing there are three types of weapons that are taught. They are...

For the sake of this website, the weapon being demonstrated is foil and the style is modern Italian.

So without further ado.... Let us begin our discussion of physics with BASIC MOVES, and then move on to MORE ADVANCED MOVES in fencing. Also, dont forget to take a look at our CREDITS section.