Parts of the Sun 2


The last layer is of the outer shell of the Sun is the Corona.  This layer is once again only visible to the naked
eye during an eclipse ( it appears as the white streaks as like the ones seen in the picture above).  Or it is visible to certain
types of telescopes that use filters or different types of viewer such as looking at the radiation emitted from the Corona to get a picture.
The temp of the Corona is about 1 million K. 


Another feature of the Sun is a sun spot.  These are parts of the Sun that are a few thousand degrees cooler than the surrounding areas.
The spots appear as part of interference from the strong magnetic field that surrounds the Sun. Because of this the primary spots tend to pull in what ever
direction the magnetic field is at that moment.  For 1 cycle it will pull to the north, then will pull to the south for another next cycle.
 One cycle of sun spots is about 11 years long.

Intro / What is the Sun / Sun Stats / Sun Parts 1 / Sun Parts 2  / Sun Parts 3 / View of the Sun / End of the Sun / Bibliography

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