Eastern Vs. Western
Fat Vs. Skinny Fart Power
Leap Bibliography

For fun we decided to drop a fat unicorn and a skinny unicorn from a height of 100 meters. We had to calculate the time it
took for them to hit the ground because we forgot the stopwatch.

The fat unicorn has a mass of 720 kg and the skinny unicorn has a mass of 270 kg.

t=sqrt[(2x)/a(cceleration)] when falling the acceleration is due to gravity which is 9.8 m/s^2
for the fat unicorn: t=sqrt[(2*100m)/(9.8m/s^2)]= 4.52s
                      skinny unicorn: t=sqrt[(2*100m)/(9.8m/s^2)]= 4.52s

You may have noticed that they are the same and you're correct. The two unicorns land at the same time. Don't believe me
watch this video:

As he says the forces on the two unicorns are different:
F(orce)=m(ass)*a(cceleration)    Fat unicorn: F=(7290kg)(9.8m/s^2)= 7056 N(ewtons)
                                           Skinny unicorn: F=(270kg)(9.8m/s^2)= 2646 N


skinny unicorn

fat unicorn