Issues with Radiation

Nuclear Home

Things to Consider


How a Nuclear Power Plant Works


This atomic reaction is the                               Steam turns a steam turbine, which in turn spins an electric generator, and presto, electricity.

rods being lowered into the water

to create the heat and then steam. frconten.htm


The Nuts and Bolts

·        Using enriched uranium pellets are formed into the size of dimes except an inch or longer.

·        The pellet are then formed into long rods and gathered into bundles

·        The bundles of rods then get submerged into water inside a pressure vessel.  The water acts as a coolant to keep the uranium form melting.

·        Using control rods an operator can control the heat and rate of nuclear reaction. 

·        To produce heat the operator raises the control rod out from the uranium bundles.

·        To produce less heat the operator lowers the control rod into the uranium bundles.


    As shown in fig. 1 the bundle of uranium rods acts as a heat source in which the water is turned into steam.  It is the steam, which spins a steam turbine, which in turn spines a generator to produce the power.