
Title Page

Historical Background



In an age of energy infancy, as a world we are already on our way to depleting our resources.  Foreign countries such as France, India and China to name a few are constantly growing in demand for more energy. With America’s consumption and these growing populations in other countries, we are on route to using more energy than in any other period of history.  Without considering population growth there is still the topic of the needed demand for environmentally friendly energy. One form of energy to provide such a request is Nuclear Energy.  Quite often looked upon with fear and conjecture, Nuclear power plants have been put under much scrutiny, however, with new technology and better planning it is foolish not to consider their ability to create clean energy on a massive scale. 





*   Some History of Nuclear Energy

*   What is Fission

*   Issues with Radiation

*   How a Nuclear Plant Works

*   Things to Consider

*   Bibliography