Mass Basics

To some, mass is synonymous with weight and simply describes how hard it is to get something moving, but to Isaac Newton, mass was something much deeper. With his second law (F=ma), Newton described what mass really was: resistance to acceleration, also known as inertia. Mass is also part of Newton's law of gravitation, which describes the force with which two objects are gravitationally attracted. This gravitational force due to mass is the weight we all feel and are familiar with. In countless experiments, Newton's laws were found to accurately describe the motion of massive objects from falling apples to the orbits of the planets.

Newton's laws served us well for centuries and still do to this day, but by the twentieth century, it became apparent that they were incomplete. The motion of Mercury, the closest planet to the sun, for example, never quite matched up with Newton's laws. Then came along Albert Einstein and his theory of general relativity, which describes gravity not as a force, but as curvature in spacetime. As unintuitive as it sounds, it has been extremely successful in describing and predicting phenomena, like Mercury's orbit[4], as mentioned before, and most famously, black holes. On top of that, Einstein proposed mass-energy equivalance, summarized by the often-repeated formula E=mc2. This means that energy as well as mass curves spacetime and thus are affected by gravity. This fact was experimentally confirmed by Arthur Eddington in 1919 when he observed that the path of light is bent by the sun's gravity[5].


Title Page

2, Old Definitions of the Kilogram
3, Potential Definitions
4, Current Definition