Seismology and the Earth's Interior

By Alayna Rupert
Physics 212 F01
Spring 2021

Our modern model of the Earth consists of layers, illustrated in Figure 1. The major divisions are the crust, the mantle, the inner core, and the outer core. But how do we know that the Earth's layers exist? What magic allows us to see into the Earth? To answer this question, we will follow the history of seismology from Emil Weichert, who proposed that the earth is made of layers in 1896, to Inge Lehmann who's analysis of seismic waves from an earthquake on the other side of the planet lead to the conclusion that the Earth's outer core is liquid. Figure 2 is a summary of the major events along the way!

The Moho   
Figure 1. Taken from

IRIS Seismologists
Figure 2. Taken from


Emil Weichert
R.D. Oldham
A. Mohorovicic
Inge Lehmann

Background taken from: