The Physics in Powder

When riding a snow-bike in the mountains, you will nearly always be dealing with deep powder. Even on a snowmachine, powder can be difficult to get used to. A snow-bike is even more so. A snow-bike has a much smaller area over which the mass is distributed. This means that the amount of floatation offered is much more limited. In addition, snow-bike's mass is not as evenly distributed as snowmachines. The rear end of a snow-bike is much heavier than the front, due to the mass of the track, and the more central location of the engine. This means it does not float on top of the snow nearly as well as a snowmachine. When you buy a snow-bike, you can choose between different ski widths, and track lengths. These options can be a large help, however a snow-bike will never have the benefit when it comes to floatation.
When riding a snow-bike in the mountains, you will nearly always be dealing with deep powder. Even on a snowmachine, powder can be difficult to get used to. A snow-bike is even more so. A snow-bike has a much smaller area over which the mass is distributed. This means that the amount of floatation offered is much more limited. In addition, snow-bike's mass is not as evenly distributed as snowmachines. The rear end of a snow-bike is much heavier than the front, due to the mass of the track, and the more central location of the engine. This means it does not float on top of the snow nearly as well as a snowmachine. When you buy a snow-bike, you can choose between different ski widths, and track lengths. These options can be a large help, however a snow-bike will never have the benefit when it comes to floatation.

Additional Weight
When riding in mountainous areas, the wet snow will pack into every crack and crevice of your snow-bike. When snow compacts, it becomes very dense. This means that the weight of the sled increases significantly. This added weight is a crucial factor of riding. A good rider will recognize the disadvantage, and adapt his riding techniques to account for the additional weight. The floatation provided by the snow is directly related to the weight of the bike. As the snow-bike gets heavier, its already-limited ability to stay on top of the snow decreases. Hardcore riders plan in advance for this, by going through every inch of their bike looking for ways to shave weight. Often many parts of the bike are replaced with lightweight, titanium or carbon fiber components. Every additional pound that is lost, will give the rider an added advantage on the snow.
When riding in mountainous areas, the wet snow will pack into every crack and crevice of your snow-bike. When snow compacts, it becomes very dense. This means that the weight of the sled increases significantly. This added weight is a crucial factor of riding. A good rider will recognize the disadvantage, and adapt his riding techniques to account for the additional weight. The floatation provided by the snow is directly related to the weight of the bike. As the snow-bike gets heavier, its already-limited ability to stay on top of the snow decreases. Hardcore riders plan in advance for this, by going through every inch of their bike looking for ways to shave weight. Often many parts of the bike are replaced with lightweight, titanium or carbon fiber components. Every additional pound that is lost, will give the rider an added advantage on the snow.