
Landslides are an extremely dangerous and often overlooked side of geology. It is estimated that around 25-50 people in the U.S. die from landslides every year. They are very difficult to prevent and to analyze.

Landslide Factor of Safety
To describe the slope stability of a slope we use the factor of safety, this is the ratio of the resisting forces to the driving forces. When resisting forces are greater than driving forces the result will be greater than one, indicating that the slope will not fail. When driving forces are greater the result is less than one, meaning the slope will fail. The equation can be seen in the figure below.

The strength of the rock or soil comes from internal friction and cohesive strength. Cohesive strength is measured in force per unit area. Rocks have a much higher cohesive value than that of soil or silt. Internal friction is represented by the internal angle of friction. It is caused by grain size and properties, this ranges from 0 to 45.