
Home Runs
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Curve Ball

Pitching is not just about who can throw the fastest. The most successful pitchers are the ones that can control there pitches and switch up their pitch type for the right situations. The use of off speed pitches is very important to keep batters off balance and to keep pitchers in control. A curve ball is one of the more popular off speed pitches that is very effective if used correctly. While almost everyone knows what a curve ball is, very few people know why they move the way they do. Most people think it is the seams of the baseball catching through the air. While this does help, a curve ball gets most of its movement from the spin on the ball causing pressure imbalances. As you can see in the picture to the left, when the ball has front spin on it, this creates higher pressure on the top of the ball and lower pressure on the bottom of the ball. This is called the Magnus Effect. A fastball spins backwards, opposite of a curve ball, and has the same effect., However, the ball does not rise opposite of a curve ball. This is due the force of gravity, a curve ball makes a force downward with gravity, that is why there is such a dramatic drop.

Knuckle Ball

The knuckle ball is a pitch that not a lot of people have the ability to throw. It is a very low speed pitch that, when thrown right, appears to zig zag in the air as it approaches the plate. This is a very hard pitch to hit because it is so unpredictable on where it will move. Even the masters of the knuckle ball such as RA Dickey don't even know why the ball does what it does. This concept even took scientists a while to figure out. Recently physicists fount that as the ball travels through the air vortex like air flows spin off its path throwing the ball in unpredictable directions. The less spin on the ball the more zig zag the pitcher will get out of the pitch. This is not only seen in baseball, but is also seen a lot in volleyball, soccer and cricket.

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Knuckle Ball thrown by RA Dickey

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Curve Ball thrown by Felix Hernandez

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