What is Buoyancy?
To begin our analysis of ships, we discuss the principle of
buoyancy. Buoyancy is defined as the net upward force
exerted by a fluid on an object. By placing an object into a
fluid like the cylinder in Figure 1, it is demonstrated that
the weight of the object is balanced by the buoyant force,
causing the cylinder to float. However, not all objects
float as you are probably aware. Where a rock would sink to
the bottom, a plank of wood rests on the surface of the
Figure 1
Archimedes principle
Archimedes discovered that the volume of fluid
displaced by an object is equal to the volume of
the object, which is
known as Archimedes Principle. So, if we place an
object in a fluid, it is going to experience a net force.
Defining up as positive, the equation becomes