You might think that this process would take a tremendous
amount of energy and you would be right. That is why the entire
process is cooled with liquid helium to create superconductivity
along the track. Otherwise the coils carrying 13,000 amps would
fail (which they did in 2008 when the coils went above -271
celcius causing resistance to re-enter the coils)
This was not the first particle accelerator ever built. Other
much smaller ones have been built but as seen in the video, the
larger the diameter of the track, the higher capacity of speed
and energy. So why would we want that? well, we have observed
subatomic particles under standard collisions but with much more
energetic collisions, we can see the very nature of quantum
mechanics: The Higgs bozon
The Higgs particle was theororized in 1964 by physicist Peter
Higgs and was thought as the 'God Particle' because it basically
gives all particles mass as they go through the Higgs field.