Important parts of The LHC

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The LHC is made up of many parts that allows it do do what it does. The next part of this website will cover some of those parts, in some details.

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The interactions in the ATLAS detectors create an enormous flow of data. To digest the data, ATLAS uses an advanced “trigger” system to tell the detector which events to record and which to ignore.

“ATLAS is 46 metres long, 25 metres in diameter, and weighs about 7,000 tonnes; it contains some 3000 km of cable.”




ALICE: ALICE is focusing on the physics of strongly interacting matter at extreme energy densities. In order to identify all the particles that are coming out of the system of the QGP ALICE image oneis using a set of 18 detectors that give information about the mass, the velocity and the electrical sign of the particles

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CMS: CMS is 21.6 meters long, 15 m in diameter, and weighs about 14,000 tones. Approximately 3,800 people, representing 199 scientific institutes and 43 countries, form the CMS collaboration who built and now operate the detector. It is located in an underground cavern at Cessy in France just across the border from Geneva.

