What is Light?

Before we go forward to the double slit experiment, we have to ask our self one of the most confusing question of physics, What is light?

 Light is a particle!!!

    During the 17th century, that question was pretty confusing. Issac Newton thought light was made of tiny particle that he called corpuscles that were emitted by hot objects. Then, Albert Einstein in the 19th century argued that properties of reflection and refraction of light could be only possible if it was made as a particle. Newtons and Einsteins idea of light didn't make complete sense because light didn't have all the properties that define a particle. A particle is a quantity of matter with mass and volume, but a photon doesn't have mass so light couldn't be a particle.

Light is a wave!!

    A Dutch physics Christian Huygens, thought light was a kind of wave that vibrates up and down. The question got even more complicated at this point because light didn't behave completely like a wave.

Light is an electromagnetic wave!!

    The question was pretty well answered by the end of the 19th century by the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell who collected the ideas of electricity and magnetism given by Christian Orsted and Michael Faraday. Maxwell took these ideas and put them together into the theory of "electromagnetism" and light.
    James Maxwell realized that a change in the electric field could create a change on the magnetic field which will create constantly another electric field that will result in an electromagnetic field that travels really really fast. Thomas Young and Maxwell, are credited with investigating the wave-like properties of light, and here is were the double slit experiment opens the world to the idea that light behaves like a wave but his discovery didn't gave as the full answer of what light really is.

What light really is?

    Combining all the ideas of light as a particle, a wave and electromagnetic wave;  light is an elementary particle that also behaves like a wave propelled by an electric field and a magnetic filed traveling at the speed limit of light of the universe. This sound really complicated but the double slit experiment helped scientist to find the path for the definition of light.