
How the heck does lift work?

birds get their lift by taking advantage of Bernoulli's principal. This principle states that when a fluids velocity increases its pressure decreases. Birds wings have a airfoil shape that has unequal lengths on the top and bottom of the airfoil. Because the air has the the same amount of time from when it splits the front of the airfoil to then it rejoins at the tail (otherwise it would cause a vacuum) it must travel faster across the top of the airfoil. This greater velocity because of Bernoulli's principle causes a lower pressure on the top of the airfoil/wing. The pressure difference with a greater pressure on the bottom of the airfoil than the top causes lift. Thanks Bernoulli!

To provide lift however a airfoil has to have air flowing across it. This is why birds have to have a thrust force or forward movement through the air. If their airspeed was zero they would actually fall out of the sky.